The ‘M’ Word

I once spent some time watching some TED Talks on sex-related topics. Most of the talks I listened to had been viewed by millions of other people (no surprise, though, since sex is probably the most hyped topic in our time). Each of these talks left me with mixed feelings in my heart. In the typical TED-style, the speakers were quite eloquent, highly qualified, and had properly researched the topics they were speaking on. They had scientific facts and results from sociological studies to drive home their point. They persuasively and eloquently convinced their audiences that masturbation, casual sex outside the confines of holy matrimony, lesbianism, homosexualism, and several other indiscriminate and reckless sexual practices that are too vile to mention are either good for the health, family, or society at large.

During several of the talks, I could hear the excitement from the audience, who doubtless were exhilarated at the tacit encouragement from highly-qualified top-rate speakers on the TED stage to continue and even explore new sexual practices aimed at gratifying the lustful desires of the individual at the expense of many other irretrievable virtues that were designed to be preserved by sexual decency.

I read a comment under one of the videos that said, “I fapped after watching this.” This was a young man bold enough to announce to the world that he had masturbated after watching a TED talk that beautifully described the health benefits of masturbation. I wondered how many teenagers who were in search of answers to sex-related questions had stumbled on such videos and left with the conclusion that it is okay to anxiously pursue the gratification of their sexual desires outside the boundaries of Scripture.

Even some Christians would read this article and wonder what is wrong with masturbation. They will argue that the Bible did not directly address the topic of masturbation (which is a false proposition, by the way). They will enumerate several logical arguments in defense of masturbation (no risk of contracting STDs, no risk of pregnancy, relieving of pain caused by my menstrual cramps, etc.). This just proves that to an extent, the Prince of this world, that old serpent, the one who “deceives the whole world” (Revelations 12:9), has succeeded in sneaking in his thoughts and ideas into their minds.

There is a basic understanding which every believer must have that will form the basis for a successful pilgrimage on earth as we travel on the narrow path to heaven. We belong to a Kingdom that is from above. We live by a different set of principles. We are governed by a different set of rules. Our allegiance is to a different King, the King of Kings and the Lord of lords. The Bible refers to us as pilgrims and strangers on this earth (1 Peter 2:11).

A pilgrim is a traveler who passes through foreign lands on his/her way to a predetermined destination. The length of the journey may compel the traveler to lodge in a place that is not his destination temporarily. Pilgrims do not adopt the culture of the place of their temporary residence. They do not subscribe to the belief system of the land in which they lodge while on their journey. They make do with the basic minimum necessities for life (food, water, and shelter). They do not attend the local festivals of the lands they lodge. They don’t get married to a citizen of the land of their temporary residence (no matter how attractive they are). They maintain their difference. The concept of pilgrimage is the basic understanding many believers are losing, which is likely to hinder their Christian journey.

We are essentially different from the citizens of the world we live in. Paul, in his epistle to the Thessalonians, urged them this way:

“For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; Not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God”

1 Thess 4:3-5

There is a way the “Gentiles who do not know God” use their bodies. They see their bodies purely as a mass of flesh and blood. They have no concept of being a “Temple,” a dwelling place for the Spirit of God (1 Cor 6:19). The Corinthians who were recipients of the letter that likened their bodies to a Temple would have easily understood the weight of that instruction. A temple was a sacred place that provided shelter and a place of worship for a deity. Those who were permitted to enter into the temple to perform any duty had to be duly trained on the principles of worship. Any violation of the protocol of worship in the temple could result in the death of the violator. The word temple was a word that created a reverent fear in the hearts of those who were worshippers at that time. The Holy Spirit was saying through Paul that now, God has decided to make the bodies of believers His dwelling place. Therefore, it is our responsibility to treat this temple (our bodies) with as much holy reverence as the worshippers of old treated their own temples.

So, regardless of how “highly-qualified” or eloquent a speaker may be, how many likes, views, and positive comments a talk may gather on YouTube, the word of God remains superior even to the convincing, highly intellectual arguments of men. Anything associated with lustful thinking and addicts is called sin (Matthew 5:28, John 8:34, Romans 6:16). Many couples have sexual problems because one of the partners derives more satisfaction from masturbation than from actual sexual intercourse. You can’t imagine the trauma of being married to a man or woman who detests having sexual intercourse with you because he/she derives more satisfaction from masturbation (oftentimes with the aid of pornographic pictures of other men or women).

The danger with masturbation is that it will keep driving you to pursue more explicit sexual stimuli to yield the same level of satisfaction. This will keep any young man/woman engaging in it in hot pursuit of sexually-explicit content. There is no need to mention the dangers you can fall into when you follow that road. Along that path are the remains of several promising young men and women who were lured into that death trap. Many there are who never recovered.

I pray for you in the name of Jesus that God will open your eyes to the revelation of the Cross that permanently breaks the power of sin! Receive grace to say no to ungodliness in Jesus name. I pray that every yoke of sexual sin that is currently on your neck be broken in Jesus name. Receive grace to rise from the dungeon of addictions in Jesus name. The blood of Jesus was shed to provide forgiveness of sins. The Bible says whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Bow down your head where you are and pray.


  1. Sheytie Grace


  2. Judith virnia

    Great piece

  3. Adedayo

    Hallelujah! God’s word is superior to all man’s eloquence and high knowledge. Oh God, Strengthen my heart to trust your word regardless of what other men have to say.
    Thank God for this piece!

  4. Joshua


  5. David

    Powerful!! “We belong to a Kingdom that is from above. We live by a different set of principles. We are governed by a different set of rules. Our allegiance is to a different King, the King of Kings and the Lord of lords”. #The Pilgrim’s journey.

    I pray a lot of people will read this and be delivered.. Amen

  6. Desola

    This is article sound, and very much needed especially in these times where the devil has masked a lot of evil things, for it to be pleasing to men
    Thank you!

  7. Jeremiah

    Amen. The world needs messages like this.

  8. Reader


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