My Very Own Dear Future Husband,

My very own dear future husband,

How are you and how’s life with you? I’m so happy to write you today. You have always been on my mind since I became an adult. Before I start with anything, I want to ask you not to look for me now. I have tried searching for you, but that didn’t work out so well. I was so preoccupied with finding out who you are, and I missed out on all the great things God had for me. But now, I have given that job over to God, and my life is more fulfilling. Most of the time, I think about you, but because I know I can’t talk to you now and tell you what’s on my mind, I often whisper them to God. You see, I have always believed that good men exist. This is because I have always known a great man – My Dad. He’s never cheated on my mum or hit her. He treats her like a Queen, and he treats me like his Princess. Most importantly, he follows God’s will. So yes, great men still exist, and you are one of them.

I’m here praying for you and giving my whole life to my first love, Jesus Christ, and I pray you’re doing the same. My prayer is that just as Adam was lost in God’s presence – that he didn’t realize that he was alone until God came to him and told him – may you be patient with our Father until He presents me to you. And if for anything you find yourself in a relationship that isn’t meant to be, I pray God continues destroying the relationship until we meet🌝.

I pray you are intelligent to the point where you can teach and motivate me to learn more. I pray God makes you a faithful, respectful gentleman, and your actions always back up your words. I pray you have a good sense of humor, and you know how to make me smile on days when I can’t seem to pull it together. I pray you are wise enough to desire God’s plan above the ways of the world and honor God even when the world isn’t watching.

I pray that as God made a woman from man’s rib – not from his feet to be walked upon or his head to be superior but from his side to be equal – under his arm to be protected and next to his heart to be loved so will I be to you. God gave Adam a helpmeet, a best friend, a wife, a lover, a sister, an associate, an advisor, a confidant, a coach, a teacher, a cheerleader, a protector, a motivator, a teammate, a peacekeeper, a nurturer and so much more! God wrapped up everything Adam needed to survive and go further in his purpose into his helpmeet. I pray that I will be that perfect helpmeet for you and be the reflection of God’s love to you. I pray that just as Boaz received a blessing because he was the husband of Ruth, you will receive God’s store of blessings for you because of me.

I read about the Proverbs 31 woman, and she gave me tremendous insight on how to be the best and most confident homemaker, wife, and mother I can be. Please pray that I follow the example of the Proverbs 31 woman. Trust that I’m working on all these areas of the “Proverbs 31” woman to become a better me for you.


During one Christmas holiday, my parents decided we spend it with my cousins who lived in a barracks. The holiday was fantastic – we played together, ate together and gisted too but the unfortunate thing about the holiday was that there was no television in the house. So one day, we got bored, and my cousin came up with a plan. Guess what it was???😂 We decided to go to my cousin’s friend’s house to carry his television without his Dad’s knowledge. Luckily for us, my cousin’s friend said he knew where we could get a wheelbarrow to carry the television from his house to my cousin’s house. And voommmmm, we set out for their house, arrived there, disconnected the tv, and started wheeling it home. I bet you that journey was fun and fearful at the same time. We were trying to be careful so that the tv would not fall, and thank God we made it💃. We brought it to my cousin’s house, made the major connections we knew how to, and then boommmm! (no, the television didn’t blow up) but guess what happened? We had no decoder or DVD player to connect to, so all work was equal to zero. We then left the television in my cousin’s house, forgetting that we were meant to return it to the owner. My cousin’s friend’s father came back from work and didn’t find his television in his house. On the other hand, my uncle came back home and found a television in his house. Because we were asleep, he could not find out where the tv was from. And this was how we put those two adults in suspense and shock till the following day. Then my uncle’s friend called my uncle to tell him that he had been robbed. At this point, it clicked to my uncle that it was his friend’s TV in his living room.

It was fun when we were exporting, but we had to plead with our uncle not to ground us. We explained to him that we were bored, that is why we decided to carry the tv. I did enjoy every bit of that holiday that I didn’t want to go back home 😭.

The lesson I learned from the holiday was that we needed to involve our parents in most decisions before we take them to advise us because they know some things we do not and might make things easier for us when we seek their advice.

So this leads me to the next point I want to make. I saw certain things from my parents and family that I pray and hope don’t repeat in our own family. First of all, not involving the entire family or the mother in decisions that concern the home. It is good we sit as a family and bring ideas on issues that affect the family; you do not need to think all by yourself. That’s why the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 4:9 that two heads are better than one. My opinion, as your wife, is equally important because we are both building the family together as One. In addition to that, I want to see transparency in our marriage. We shouldn’t have any problem sharing passwords, bank accounts, and our deepest secrets with each other. We should have nothing to hide. Secondly, your family should be your second primary priority after your relationship with God. No matter how busy you are, please try and make out time for the family and me because that will build our bond, and when that bond is strong, nothing can shake it.

Thirdly, calling pet names is what I admire in marriage. And please, when we have our children, it still has to continue because I can’t hear Mummy so so outside and hear my husband call me the same 😡. By the way, I was first your wife before being a mother, and even after being a mother, I’m still and will continue to be your dear wife😌.

Fourthly, I wouldn’t want us to be separate no matter what. I will go with you wherever you go, be it transfer from workplace or ministry calls because we are both going to build the family and grow our children together.

Lastly, and very importantly, having a plan for our future finances and our children’s education should be worked on as soon as possible. Though I firmly believe that our God will supply all our needs according to His riches in Glory, we still need to be aware that Proper Preparation Prevents Poverty.

Sincerely, there are no gaps in my life right now that I’m hoping you fill up because I’ve found a friend in Jesus who is everything to me, and He is making me so I can complete you. The kind of family I trust God to build together with you is a family that is filled with the love and fear of God. Where we pray together, where we love each other just as Christ loved us, where we respect one another, where we dance and eat together, where we stand for each other both in the good times and bad times. Where we boldly declare that as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Where we show forth the light of God by living a life of holiness; Where we will show our children what true love looks like so when they find it for themselves, they will never let it go. Where we will train up our children in the way of the Lord; Where we will desire God’s will and plans for us above ours. Where we work as a team in furthering God’s Kingdom; Where we base our love on the never-ending Love of God and not on temporary things and feelings. Where we will fulfill God’s divine mandate and purpose for bringing us together; one day, we will be staring at the blessings we used to dream about and be grateful to God that we SAID YES TO EACH OTHER.


Till we meet when God says it’s time.

Bye for now.

With love, Your Future Wife.


  1. Nwoye Vivian

    You see why girls are special?, thoroughly thought-through and well laid down plans. A straightforward lady that isn’t myopic when it comes to working for God. A violent daughter of Sarah who is ready to bring forth and hold together a nation. Amen sister🔥🔥

      1. Oluchi Nifemi..

        Me too!! “Violent daughter of Sarah!”

  2. Desola

    🤣🤣🤣🤣”I pray God continues destroying the relationship until we meet.”….The violent takes it by force. You and your cousins sha 😅
    Amen to your heart desires 😉

  3. Quodjoe Lawrence

    I am reading and all I am thinking is… How long has this letter been in the making? … Very deep. The handwriting is familiar tho

    1. Nwoye Vivian

      Y’all should keep guessing 😅😅

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