Growing Me, Growing You…

Growing me
Current address

Growing You
Wherever you are

Dear Future Wife,

In Order not to dint the integrity of my promises, I hardly throw that word around. I am waiting patiently for the day when I say I do; my promise to you with all of its integrity and certainty irrespective. I am not one to be given to social conventions. In fact, a couple of times, the words strange or weird have been thrown my way.

Over the years, I have evolved from a shy, quiet, and generally withdrawn character to a shy but energetic and somewhat loquacious personality but never really fitting in. I have always felt I am everywhere yet nowhere. I pray with you I belong. I do not have much personal experience when it comes to relationships. My friends often ask me to keep quiet when matters of the heart are being discussed. There was that one time that it took me so long to muster the courage to approach this sister that she was already seeing someone else by the time I was ready to. The truth is, I don’t want any other experience before I meet you, or should I say before we start our journey together.

I am not completely ignorant, though. I have been learning from those around me, learning from the experiences of others, and obtaining knowledge from people – mostly preachers, who have themselves lived through years of marriage. I am learning how to be a good communicator and, more importantly, a good listener. I pray in the end; I am everything you have prayed for. Growing up, I didn’t see a lot of affections being displayed between husbands and wives, but I guess in their own way, they loved. They loved when they ate together from the same bowl, they loved when they sowed clothes from the same materials, and they loved when they co-parent. Children knew they were loved or at least felt safe when they were cared for or had a place to call home. Having learned from this, I will love you and let you know I do. I won’t stop saying I love You, and I won’t stop proving that to you. You and our possible future kids will be my priority.

Among other things, I have envied (in a good sense of that word) the man of God, Dr. Paul Eneche, because of his family. I pray together with you, we can build a family that loves together, laughs together, grow together and worship together.

Know that I am praying for you, I am praying for your safety, I am praying for your health, I am praying for your family, and I am praying for your purpose. I have a feeling that no matter what the future holds, a part of me or maybe even all of me (as in full time) will be given to ministry (not sure which form yet), and I hope that is captured in your prayer for me.

The aperçu of the matter is this; I am growing each day, growing in my strengths and working on my weakness to present myself wholly to you. Whole, not broken, whole, not hurt, whole, not compromised. I believe in God that you will make my life extra rich and beautiful.

Your Future Husband
Quodjoe Lawrence.

1 comment

  1. Chisom Chibuogwu


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