“Time is the unit of destiny” – Apostle Joshua Selman.

Time is the common gift of God to ALL men. It is what makes all men equal. However, our discrepancies arise based on how we make use of our time. A man can be defined by how he uses his time.

“The currency of life is time” – Dr. Mike Murdock. To become that which God has purposed for a man, what the man pays is Time. This then means that to live an effective life and fulfill God’s purposes, an understanding of time management is crucial. So the Bible admonishes us thus:

“See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:15-16 (KJV)‬‬‬‬

To fulfill destiny, we must learn and understand how to redeem the time. It is necessary wisdom indeed. The next question then is how is time redeemed?

There are laws that, if when applied with understanding, will help us in redeeming time and as well live an effective and purposeful life.

Law of Vision – Habakkuk 2:2-3

To make wise use of time, there must be a clear vision for our lives. We must resist living a visionless life. Vision happens to be the fundamental requirement of all world changers.

Law of priority – Matthew 6:33

This concept in Economics is called the Scale of preference. We must understand that not everything in our lives has the same value. In line with our vision, we must be able to clearly define what should be our priority and put the most valuable things first.

Law of Alternative forgone (Sacrifice) – Ecclesiastes 3:1

To make wise use of time, there are things we would have to let go of. These things might be good, but if they are not necessary for destiny, we would have to let go of them and invest our limited resources of time into the things that matter. It is thus essential to say at this point that balance is not doing everything but doing the right and necessary items in their right proportion; this is indeed is the actual definition of balance.

Law of Diligence -Proverbs 22:9

In making wise use of time, we must be diligent in our dealings and all that our hands find to do.

Law of Consistency

We not only must be diligent, but we must be consistent to redeem the time.

In conclusion, how much of a value you will become will be a reflection of how you use your time. This then brings us to the point of retreat on how we have been using our time. What your life is like at the moment clearly defines what you have been spending this powerful common resource (time) on. An attempt to move up higher on the ladder of success will mean that you must restructure your time usage

May The Lord God be merciful and gracious unto us even as He grants us more wisdom on this crucial matter of life. Amen. Shalom!!!


  1. Olayinka Fiyinfoluwa

    I really appreciate this inspiring write-up. My question is, what can I do with my time during this ASUU strike that will be profitable in the long run.

    1. abbasdwelling

      Hi Fiyin, thank you for your comment
      Based on your question, you can
      1. Take good time for Bible study and prayer. Seek ye first the kingdom of God. Study Christian literature that will aid your growth spiritually.

      2. Take online courses and study good books based on your career pursuit.Improve yourself mentally.
      You can check out some of these sites for free online education:edX, Udemy,Coursera,Khan Academy and these sites for your career : Linkedin,Indeed and Careerbuilder.

      3. You can build up some tech skills currently in demand. Tech skills like machine learning,UI/UX design, data engineering,block chain will give you an upper hand in the society.

      4. You can as well learn a trade for instance, catering, tailoring,sales and marketing.

      These will help keep you from being idle and as well be a person of value and relevance.

      We’ll get in touch with you on your email

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