This is a phrase from Genesis 37:20. It was the final statement made by a group of conspirators, who were moved by envy against their own brother, a pampered and naive teenager, who also doubled as their father’s favourite. The innocent 17-year old was about to be confronted by the harsh realities of the wickedness in the heart of the fallen man. All of this was Satan’s attempt to truncate the glorious destiny that Joseph was born to fulfil.

Travel with me a few thousand years into history to the quiet streets of Hebron as we observe the journey of a young man with a dream in his heart and numerous obstacles to overcome along his path. We will do well to glean some lessons for our own journey today as young people who are also walking on the pathway to a glorious destiny. You can read Genesis 37:17-23 to have a context for the following points.

Satan feels threatened by a young man/lady who has a dream

There is hardly anything that sends as many shockwaves through the kingdom of darkness as a young man or lady who is fired on by a dream or vision of something he or she can accomplish for God in his or her lifetime. This is because there is no limit to what God can achieve with a yielded youth. It is bad enough for Satan when an elderly person has a dream. Nevertheless, the dream of an elderly person is only potent if he or she has young people who can be impregnated by the same dream. While elderly people have great experience and wisdom, they lack the physical strength and vigour necessary to prosecute their dreams.

On the contrary, a young man is blessed with strength, vigour, time, and an adventurous heart to break into uncharted territories and achieve great feats for God. Satan has filled the world of the youth with numerous distractions in form of movies, songs, drugs, parties, addictions, food, and a worthless pursuit of vanity. His strategy is to keep the youth distracted during their years of strength. He doesn’t want you to catch or cultivate a vision for your life.

The attacks you will face in life are because of the dreams you are carrying

When Satan fails to keep a young person distracted, he launches attacks on that young person. Satan hates a focused young man or woman, who is diligently pursuing a divine vision. He will do all he can to stop that young person. He quickly withdraws to his planning room. Fired on by deep jealousy and bitter envy, he goes back to the drawing board to restrategize and device crafty ideas from his wicked heart.

He mobilises minions of demons and even human agents to entangle that person. He carefully studies the quiet tendencies, inclinations, and proclivities of that young man or woman. He then puts together the results of his very comprehensive research to create a personalised and targeted attack strategy to exploit every loop hole in the life or character of that young man.

Pits have been dug for you to fall into

If, as a young man or lady you have consciously decided to walk diligently with God along the narrow and focused path of pursuing a divine vision, I have news for you: pits have been specifically dug for you. Just like the brothers of Joseph (who were only giving physical expression to Satan’s plans) did, Satan and his agents have carefully arranged deceptive traps along your path. Their hope is that you will fall into one of those pits and completely miss out on God’s glorious purpose for your life.

This is a time to watch and pray. Ponder the path of your feet. Take only steps that are sure and firm. Don’t be presumptuous. Think deeply before every move. This is not a time to be careless. You have been declared wanted in the kingdom of darkness. There is a bounty hanging on your head. Satan’s plan is to entice you to make a costly mistake that will destroy your testimony. Delilah has been commissioned to shave off the seven locks of your anointing and rid you of the grace and presence of God that you carry. Watch and pray.

Satan wants your downfall to look like a result of natural circumstances

In his typical craftiness, Satan has not only plotted your downfall, but has further devised a natural explanation for it. Just like the brothers of Joseph planned to disguise the real circumstances behind their attack on him, Satan wants to conceal himself behind events and circumstances that look natural. It will take strong discernment to actually identify the dubious hand of Satan behind many of the circumstances we face that look natural.

God will turn it around for your good

As a young person in pursuit of God’s vision for your life, He is faithful enough to preserve you from the attacks of the devil. He promises to strengthen you and keep you from evil (2 Thessalonians 3:3). He promises that no weapon of the enemy formed against you shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17).

Even if it ever seems like Satan’s devices against you achieved a measure of success, be assured that God causes all things to work together for good to them that love Him (Romans 8:28). Like He did for Joseph, even what the enemy meant for evil He will turn it around for your good (Genesis 50:20).

Action Points:

  • Pray and seek God’s face to reveal to you His plan for your life.
  • Discipline yourself to walk diligently along the path of the vision God reveals to you.
  • Be aware that Satan is plotting your downfall. Be sober and vigilant. Be watchful and prayerful.
  • Pray for the spirit of discernment. Pray for God to make you sensitive to deceptive orchestrations from the realm of the spirit.
  • Have faith in God that He will keep and preserve you. Keep your hope alive by constantly reminding yourself of God’s faithfulness. You are a champion in the making. Our generation will hear your voice as you continue to walk diligently with God in humility.


  1. Jeremiah

    Getting closer to God is the greatest exercise a man should ever have in his life.

  2. Chinedu

    Thank you!

  3. Esli

    I wish the lord will continue to be my helper

  4. Grant

    Thank you so Much for this Inspiring message. God bless you Richly.

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