Sofia paced the room in frustration. Her mother had just called to inform her of the latest misfortune that befell her family. She did not know who to be angry with this time. Was it her father who had ignored his role as the father, or her older brother who thought the best way to live his life was to be involved in drugs and occultism? Her mother wasn’t a saint either. She had two children from a previous relationship before she eventually settled to be with her father. Based on the information Sofia had gathered, her parents were never officially married– they just lived together, and ended up with five children.

Her whole life and family were a mess. She had waited for so long to be done with high school and start her own life in the university. But then, it seemed like no matter how much she tried to move away from her family, they always found a way to return to her. This feeling made her angry the most – she just could not let go of her family no matter how much she tried.

At that moment, Sofia heard a knock at the door of her room. She moved through the mess she made earlier when flinging things around during her call with her mother. Because of her naturally organised character, Sofia instinctively began to put things in order. Then she heard the knock again, but this time it was louder.

“Who is that?” Sofia asked.

“My name is Bola. Can you please open the door?” a voice came from outside. It was the voice of a girl who seemed frightened.

Disturbed by the tone of the voice, Sofia rushed to the door, “I am coming, please.”

Sofia opened the door, and a young fair-skinned lady burst into the room.

“Please close the door. He is coming. He is going to beat me up,” Bola said, looking like she was going to start crying anytime soon.

Sofia closed and locked the door in haste. She did not know who was coming, but she was scared also. Sofia forgot about her family problems and could not help but be extremely worried about the girl who was now in her room. Shaking uncontrollably, Bola stood in the middle of the room.

“Please, sit down,” Sofia said as she motioned Bola to the chair.

“Are you okay?” Sofia asked, extremely worried.

Yes, I am now” Bola replied. “My name is Bola. I am so sorry for barging into your room like this, but then he will kill me,” Bola introduced herself again.

“You are safe here,” Sofia said even though everything in her head screamed – WE ARE NOT SAFE. The room became quiet, and things seemed a bit awkward between them. Trying to break the silence, Sofia asked, “Sorry to pry, but who is trying to kill you?”

“His name is Ben,” Bola said as she looked down as if to avoid the more awkward questions she knew might arise.

“Okay. And who is Ben?” Sofia asked. She understood that Bola might find the question invading, but if she was staying in her room, she had to understand who they were up against and what was needed to keep them safe.

“My boyfriend,” Bola said very embarrassedly. It took Sofia all her willpower not to roll her eyes at Bola. It was just her family drama on a smaller scale.

“Why would he want to kill you? Is he sane?” Sofia asked with an undertone of anger.

“He is. It is just that I did something terrible to him, and he is mad at me. I just have to avoid him until he is calm.”

With her straightforward and blunt mouth, Sofia said, “And are you sure you should be in this relationship?”

“He is all I have. I would have no one if I left him,” Bola said. There was sincerity and brokenness on her face that made Sofia feel so much pity for her.

“I am so sorry. Don’t you have a family?” Sofia asked.

“Yes, I do. It is just my mother, though,” Bola said, visibly uncomfortable.

“I am sorry,” Sofia said, feeling very sorry. Bola reminded Sofia of her mother. Her mother had gotten into the wrong relationships because she did not have a father figure. She always looked for affirmation from men around her until she finally settled with her father. Sofia realised that even though Bola looked big, something was still childish and innocent about her. She felt a sense of responsibility for her.

“No, no. It is okay. I do not know your name yet, though,” Bola tried to change the conversation.

With a giggle, Sofia said, “Oh yeah. My name is Sofia. Nice to meet you.” Sofia put out her hand for a handshake.

The two girls smiled at each other.


Bola had never said so much about herself to a stranger. She found it comfortable to talk to the girl she had just met a few minutes ago. But another part of her brain reminded her that a stranger was still always a stranger.

“So I don’t know how long you will be here, but I have some food. Are you hungry?” Sofia asked, standing up from where she had been squatting.

“No, thank you. I cooked already. It was one of the reasons Ben was angry,” Bola said.

“Then what will you have?” Sofia asked.

“I would love some water,” Bola replied.

Sofia got water from a big bottle and poured some into a cup for Bola. As Bola sipped the water, she felt Sofia observing her.

“Bola, can you tell me what is happening with Ben?” Sofia asked suddenly.

“Oh! There is nothing much,” Bola said, not willing to start the conversation again.

“Please, I could be of help,” Sofia insisted.

“Does it make sense to want to help someone who does not want help?” Bola said rashly.

Sofia looked like she had been stabbed in the heart, but she still said, “But you know, being in that relationship is not the best place for you.”

Bola became defensive. She was tired of people always telling her that she was not supposed to be in a relationship with Ben when none of them was there when he was. “I think I would take my leave now,” Bola said as she stood up.

“I am sorry, please do not leave yet. Sorry I was prying. I shouldn’t have,” Sofia said apologetically.

“It is not about you. I am just tired of people jumping to conclusions without knowing my pain. It is so annoying,” Bola began to cry now. “Everyone deserted me, but he stayed. My father left us when I was young. My mother is always working. I was alone for such a long time until Ben came. I had the best life. Yes, he gets angry and beats me, but that does not take out the fact that he was there when no one was.”

“You’re right,” Sofia started, “None of us was there for you. Your parents didn’t treat you well. People you met on your way did not also do well, but that’s your past. It doesn’t mean you should continue like this. Even if Ben was there in the beginning, what he is doing now is not acceptable. It nullifies all the supposed love that he showed you.” Sofia said blaming herself inclusive even though she had just met Bola a few minutes ago.

“I have heard all these, and I am tired. Please let me go,” Bola said.

“Alright! Will you give me your number? So I can know you’re fine,” Sofia asked.

“Why do you care?” Bola asked.

“Because I see my mum in you. And, I wouldn’t say I like how she turned out. I want you to have a better life,” Sofia answered.

Bola was shocked at her reply. “How did your mum turn out?” Bola asked. She was beginning to understand why she liked Sofia from the beginning. There was something similar about them. She was a broken girl, and Sofia was the daughter of a broken woman.

“I can tell you that later, maybe over the phone or when you come to my room next,” Sofia said as she winked.

Bola smiled at Sofia’s attempt to get closer to her. She felt a form of tension leave her. It was pleasing to see someone who wanted to be her friend even though she knew a bit of her messed up life. “Alright then. I will give you my number. Give me your phone,” Bola said, stretching her hands to collect Sofia’s phone.

Sofia handed Bola her phone as she smiled at the prospect of a beautiful friendship. God knew that Bola needed a female friend.

As Bola typed in her number, she said, “I’d be leaving now, okay?”

“Can we pray together? If that’s okay with you,” Sofia asked, not even asking Bola if she was Christian.

“Errmmm.. I’m sorry, I don’t do those religious things,” Bola said.

“Please.. my first favour from you,” Sofia pleaded.

“Well.. as long as I’m not doing the prayer, I can sit and listen,” Bola replied reluctantly.

Sofia smiled as she started to pray, “Father God, thank you for your daughter, Bola. I thank you because I know you have loved her from the beginning, and you have a perfect plan for her fa..”

“Stop!!” Bola screamed abruptly. “Don’t say he has loved me from the beginning. If he had, I wouldn’t have been broken.” Bola was furious.

Sofia didn’t know what to say exactly. She didn’t expect Bola to react that way. “I’m sorry, Bola, but you’re not broken. That’s not how He sees you. He loves you..”

“STOP! I’m done..” Bola said as she stormed out of the house.



  1. Khero

    I am patiently waiting for part 2

    1. SomeonewholovesGod

      Beautiful writeup. Waiting for part 2

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