One True Lover

Some time ago, a friend, Mary, shared a dream with me. She said she saw herself in a barracks; this is a place where police officers and soldiers live together with their families. There was this activity called the ‘army crawl course,’ which the soldiers usually engage in, and they used a rope-like instrument to navigate their way through the floor while crawling. Mary found herself moving through the course until she got stuck; together with getting stuck, she realized that she couldn’t breathe. She started to struggle; when that was not working out, she began to cry out. Immediately, a man appeared. She knew it was Jesus.

Being the mighty Warrior that He is, He came through the ropes to where she was. He cut through it, freed her, took her by the hand, and led her out of it. After she got out, Jesus shared a cake with her. She could not stop crying as she expressed her gratitude to Him for saving her. Do you know what Jesus kept telling her? He said, “I will do it over and over again.”

You can imagine the joy she woke up with. It wasn’t new news as she shared this with me, but it was as fresh and warm in my heart as newly baked bread.


To an extent, you might want to say yes, but I’m so convinced that no matter how this truth of God’s love settles in us, it will always leave us in awe when the Father expresses it to us, whether physically or in dreams, as such. In my few years of faith and intentional personal walk with God, certain truths have helped me stand firm, but for the purpose of this post, I will share two with you.

  1. God loves me

2. God chooses me

Whenever I encounter situations that don’t appear suitable or convenient, I do not count them as consequential because I know that God still loves and chooses me no matter what. It’s pretty difficult to believe this but trust me, it’s the TRUTH.

I’m often still taken back at how He constantly seeks ways to remind me of these truths. Today, I want to use this opportunity to remind you that God loves you, and He chooses you too. His love for you is not dependent on what you’ve done or not done or your situations.


I realize that the closer I get to God, the more I get to know Him, and the more I know that His love was never made or intended to be distanced. It was created to thrive in an intense level of intimacy. God seeks a more profound and closer relationship with us to experience His express love in our lives.

Here’s what I learned on the love of God;

1. The love of Jesus teaches us sacrifice and selflessness: The Bible tells us that Jesus, who is the very nature of God, did not consider His equality with God to be used to His own advantage; instead, He made Himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness as we see in Philippians 2:6-7. Jesus sacrificed His throne and majesty for a time to come down and unite us (marry us) back to the Father. He could have chosen not to, but love chooses sacrifice and selflessness over and over again.

2. You would also observe in the Bible that God has always been present with us, His creation. Even when Jesus left for heaven, He didn’t leave us ‘widowed’; He sent the Holy Spirit to dwell within us, not around, but within. There is a reason for this accurate level of INTIMACY. The Holy Spirit teaches, corrects, rebukes, and reproofs us from within. 

3. There is a reason why people often feel unsatisfied in their relationship with God; there is no intimacy. Love was made to grow. Even as love grows in human relationships, especially in marriage, mental, emotional, and physical distance must be closed up for optimal results. So is the love of God meant to grow in us as we close up every distance.

4. One of my best identities in Christ is ‘The Bride of Christ.’ Anytime I hear the Holy spirit call me that, I experience jubilation in my spirit. It is an identity encompassing some deep connections that we have with God. The openness, the trust, the intimacy, the humor, oooh God! It is really beautiful.


God calls us to have an intimate relationship with Him first before chasing any others in the world so that we can see and experience what it means to be truly loved. When we study about the One true Lover of our souls, Jesus, the way He chooses us repeatedly, and the way He has decided to love us. In that case, it’ll be very easy to recognize substandard worldly love when it comes our way, but when we don’t know how He loves us, we’ll settle for any other thing that appears acceptable to us.


God is constantly reaching out to you, expressing love, and just loving on you. I hope you are attentive to the lover of your soul and His expression of love to you because He’s an excited lover, always seeking an opportunity to love His Bride in word and in actions.


  1. Sheytie Grace

    May we be able to comprehend how deep, wide and high God’s love is for us.

  2. Hephzibah Joshua

    I am chosen and loved by the one true lover, an excited lover always seeking an opportunity to love me (His Bride) in words and actions 🥺🙇‍♀️❤️

  3. Thankgod

    God’s love is unexplainable. It’s like something I’ve never seen. Like no being created in Heaven and on Earth that can love me like Abba the life giver, Joy giver, passionate love. Jesus thank you for loving🙏😭😭🙏❤️❤️

  4. Deborah Abimbola

    ABBA loves me 🥰
    ABBA chooses me 😇

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