ABBA! – The Fatherhood of God (Pt. 2)

ABBA! – The Fatherhood of God (Pt. 1)


Recently, there’s been a lot of emphasis on the subject of entitlement when it comes to interpersonal relationships. There are varied opinions on the topic, and the majority seem to favour self-dependence. However, one thing that is common amongst kids across board is the inherent entitlement when relating with their parents.

Of course, as we grow into adults, we begin to adjust and provide for ourselves. More so, we prepare to become parents ourselves. But even at that, deep down within us, we are always aware that our parents will always be there for us whenever we call. We will always be their babies.

In our relationship with God, there’s a lot to learn from kids. Jesus, speaking to His disciples, said, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:3 NIV). “Becoming like little children” here is less about age and more about the form we assume when approaching God. Do you come to Him as the self-sufficient adult you are or do you go to Him as a child seeking his Father? Your manner of approach defines what you get from Him.

Every Good And Perfect Gift

“Every good gift and every perfect (free, large, full) gift is from above; it comes down from the Father of all [that gives] light…”

James 1:17a AMPC

Everyone loves a gift. It’s always a pleasant thing when family and friends bless us with presents on our birthdays. We’re even more glad when they are thoughtful enough to get us things we truly desire.

But in the verse above, Apostle James introduces us to something interesting. He tells us that if we desire good and perfect gifts that transcend perishable items, the source of such provision is Abba Himself. Beyond our physical needs, He has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness, including the Holy Spirit!

If You Being Evil…

“If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?”

Matthew 7:11 KJV

A true father is known for his ability to provide for his children. He can go any length to supply their needs, even at the expense of his own comfort. He puts their needs before his and toils all day in a bid to provide them three square meals, as well as shelter and comfort.

Now, if we as humans, in our imperfect state, can go that far to provide for our own, imagine how much of Abba’s provision we stand to enjoy as His beloved children. Men are limited by their resources and can only give us things they can afford, but Our Heavenly Father is unlimited. He owns the universe, and all that is in it yet is not bound by it. He is able to do superabundantly far above all that we can ever desire. Our greatest requests are nothing compared to His abilities.

However, there’s a clause to activating this supply…


The last phrase in Matthew 7:11 (quoted above) tells us that our Father “gives good things to them that ask Him.” This makes me understand that there is a prerequisite to enjoying Abba’s benevolent provisions, and it is simply to ask. You might be wondering why we need to ask when the Bible tells us that Our Heavenly Father knows what we need even before we ask (Matthew 6:8)

Asking is a sign of dependence, and God is pleased when we depend wholly on Him. He is that good Father who is ever willing to shower his kids with the best of all there is, but He allows us to express our will by asking. We can choose to assume the posture of self-sufficient adults capable of providing for ourselves, or we can run to Abba, our provider.

Apostle James, in his writings, had a thing or two to teach us about asking and receiving from God. In Chapter 1:5, he admonishes us to ask from God, who gives liberally to all men. And although he was specifically talking about requesting for wisdom, we can extend this to every other need. Also, in Chapter 4 of his letter, he tells us that we do not have certain things because we haven’t asked for them. And even for things we asked, we are yet to receive some of them because our motives are faulty (James 4:2-3).

Seek First His Kingdom…

Abba is never tired of hearing our requests. He said if we ask, it shall be given to us (Matt. 7:7). But above fulfilling our needs, He is much more interested in offering us something more significant — Himself. Beyond the joy that a father derives in seeing to the needs of his children, he is more fulfilled in knowing that he has a strong relationship with them.

It is very possible to enjoy the gifts and ignore the giver. It breaks His heart when we pursue other things and only come to Him as a last resort. He wants to be our first priority as we are His. He’s not only interested in showering us with gifts, but He also desires to enjoy our company.

Jesus, in Matthew 6:32-33, tells us that our Heavenly Father knows our needs. So more than just asking for things, our priority should be His Kingdom. Desiring to know His heart should be top of our list, even before our needs. In seeking Him, all other things will follow.

The advantage here is that sometimes we do not even know what we need, so attempting to ask for everything individually might not be so effective. But in seeking His Kingdom, we get every other thing, things we asked for and things we didn’t… ask King Solomon.

“He who did not withhold or spare [even] His own Son but gave Him up for us all, will He not also with Him freely and graciously give us all [other] things?”

Romans 8:32 AMPC


  1. Iyiola

    Amazing piece!!

  2. Deborah Abimbola


  3. The Bigger Hands – ABBA - ABBA's Dwelling

    […] by the name God gave Him. Like Jesus, we can and will do much more if we’re patient for the father to give us and not rush into using our little hands to accumulate or grab them for […]

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