09:30 AM MSK time

I spent the entire flight thinking of the picture that Janet had sent. I was sad and heartbroken. “Why had Fred lied to me? Why was he making attempts at me if he already had a woman in his life?” These thoughts lingered. My first meeting was at 11:00 AM. Because I wanted to be emotionally ready during my presentation, I resisted the urge to call Janet to find out details of what she had sent to me. Someone was sent to pick me up and take me to the office. Immediately I got into the car, a message came in. It was Fred.

“My Lady, how are you doing? I am sure you have landed. How was your flight? I miss you.”

He usually knew the right time to contact me, but this time, it was wrong. I was angry this time. I opened the message so he could tell that I had seen it, then I switched off my phone. That way, he would try to contact me and not reach me. I know it was a petty move, but that is all I could think of at that time. I put my phone in my bag and rested my head on the window of the car. “Why do I have such ill luck with men?”, I thought to myself.

16:00 MSK

I was done for the day. I thought I would spend the whole day at the office, but immediately after my presentation, the manager said I was free to go. Now, I had the entire evening to myself in a city where I knew no one. I had no choice but to switch on my phone.

Janet had messaged me asking why I did not reply to her previous messages. Fred had also tried to call me, and he also sent a text asking if I was busy. I smiled at that. At least, I was able to work him up a bit. I immediately decided to call Janet. I needed to talk to her about all that had gone down.

“Woman, where have you been?” she said as soon as she picked up the call.

“Ask me how I am doing first, ma,” I said.

“Puuurleassee. I messaged you since yesterday night; you read my messages this morning and didn’t reply me; what is happening?” She asked in an accusative tone.

“I traveled for a conference. I had finished my presentation quickly and then came to the hotel to rest. I didn’t sleep well last night” I replied to her.

“Why did you not sleep well?” she asked.

“I packed late into the night, and I had to wake up early because my flight was by six am.”

“Oh, sorry. I thought you intended to pack in the afternoon. Why did you change your mind again? That was the best choice,” she said softly.

I did not want her to know that I had gone out with Fred, so I said, “Don’t mind me. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

“Well, at least you made it—just rest. I had messaged you to show the guy you asked about during the conference. I saw the two of you talking after,” she said.

Alarms went off in my head; I did not know she had seen us together. “Oh really, I did not know that,” I said.

“That is why I sent you the picture, so you would know that the guy is occupied,” she said as she laughed.

“What do you mean by that? I am not interested in him at all,” I said, trying to convince myself.

“Are you sure? I saw how you looked at him when you guys were talking,” she said.

At that moment, my phone notified me that I had another incoming call. I knew I did not have to check it to know who it was. It was Fred. I didn’t think it made sense to ignore him anymore. I would tell him how I felt and end things with him. I laughed at myself. I would end stuff with someone I never had anything to do with.

“Janet, let me call you back,” I said, not replying to what she had said earlier.

“Your mind is not even in this conversation. Can you imagine,” she said as she hissed.

“My mind is here, I promise you. I need to do something based on what you have told me. I will gist you when I call you,” I said, trying to appease her.

“Okay. I will be waiting for your call and gist,” she said. I could hear the smile in her voice. Promising to give Janet some gist was the only thing that would allow her to end the call without war. With that, the call ended.

Fred called again.

I thought I was ready, but apparently, I was not. I took a deep breath and ended the call. I could not speak at that time. With that, I slept.

21:00 MSK

I was awakened by some noise. It was my phone ringing. It was Fred again.

“My Lady, are you fine? I have tried to reach you, but you have not been available. I have been worried,” Fred said. I could hear the genuine concern and worry in his voice. I did not know the right words to say to him. Why was he this nice to me when he had another woman in his life?

“I am fine. How are you doing too?” I asked.

“Lady, you don’t sound fine at all. Talk to me,” he said. The more he spoke nicely, the more furious I became. I had learned not to talk when angry, so I knew I could not bring up the matter now.

“I am fine. Done my presentation; I am now in my hotel,” I said, trying to keep the anger from my tone.

“Alright, is that why you couldn’t reply to me earlier?” he asked.

“No. I did not feel like replying to you,” I said.

“I know you are angry and I don’t understand why. Everything was fine when you left this morning. What is happening?” he asked. He was worried. At that point, I remembered the note I had seen in my bag the previous night. I could not help but believe it more. Who did he think he was, trying to play with my head.

“Do you have a girlfriend?” I asked him.

“Why do you ask?” he asked instead of answering me.

“That’s not the answer. It is either yes or no. Fred, do you have a girlfriend?”

“I know you have gotten information that you are not supposed to have,” he said.

What!!! Did he just say that?

“Fred, answer me,” I said. My tone was still normal.

“No, I don’t have,” he said. For some reason, I felt a little bit of relief. I really wanted it to be all a lie. But even though I knew that I wanted it to be a lie, I still could not trust him.

“Fred, are you lying to me again?” I asked.

“I am telling you the truth, Linda,” he said.

“I saw a picture. You and another woman together. I will send the picture to you now.” I needed him to explain the picture to me, so I sent the picture to him.

“Who is this, Fred? Don’t lie to me. You know that I have information already.”

I heard him take a very deep sigh. “I need you to listen and believe me, my Lady. Presently, this girl believes that I am with her. She is my girlfriend, but I don’t love her. In my heart, I have no woman there apart from you. I need you to believe me, please,” he said. His voice was low remorseful.

“Fred, why are you doing all these? Are you trying to hurt me?” I asked. I was no longer furious; I was just very disappointed. I had really expected much more from him.

“My Lady. Please no. I need you to trust me. I know we just met, but there is something very different about you. I realized what I had been missing in life. I would have told you about this girl earlier but, there has been no time. I cannot afford to lose you, Linda,” he said.

“Fred, you never had me. I cannot deal with all these. It is too much for me,” I said. There have been many emotional ups and downs for a guy I had just met two days ago.

“And I am sorry for that, and I promise that this is going to be the end of it. From now on, I promise to provide peace to you. Trust me. I wish I could prove to you how high I hold you in my heart. Linda, please, give me a try,” he said.

I was tempted to believe him. He sounded so sincere.

“Okay, Fred. I believe you.”

“So will you give me a chance?” He asked.

I thought deeply about it. I replied.


To be continued…

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