Mighty Woman of Valour

Dear Future Spouse,

I can’t wait to be acquainted with you… Wonderful and mighty woman of valour, you will soon be found 😅. With all honesty, there are times I think meeting you would take a long, long time because of how delicate and important it is in making the choice of one’s life partner. But I know God holds all things in His hands, and everything will be beautiful in its time.

I deeply pray that you know God. I pray that you are in love with Jesus Christ and that the Holy Spirit is your Gee, one who you listen to and who you open up to effortlessly. I pray you remain in the Lord, and you aren’t led astray by anything or anyone. I pray you are kept and preserved like an egg. I pray your heart remains pure for God and your treasures are not in earthly things. I pray for you to have helpers, mentors, disciplers, and a spiritual father. I believe these will hold you accountable and shed off the excesses of the old man. The list keeps on going and going, and the rest will be said on my knees…

I am a man who looks unto God by only His grace, but I still need your prayers. Sometimes I find myself growing cold in prayers and in Bible reading, and I sometimes get hooked on time-wasting things like movies, series, or games. I tend to be extensively drawn to something (movies, games…) until I have completely finished it, which can be both good and bad. Just pray that God helps me properly align it to loving Him and seeking Him and nothing else. Pray that I am kept in the quiver of the Lord and made into the man who will cultivate you and bring the best out of you. Please pray that I remain submitted and humble at every stage of training in my life.

There is the saying that great readers are great Leaders. And to be able to lead you as God would want it, I am working on being a better reader. I can be excessive in things – either too active or not active at all, too quiet or too loud, too caring or too cold. It’s not a good trait, and I would want you to join me in praying to find a balance between the extremes, both for God and for you. I am learning not to be overprotective over things I have, in order not to cover the seed that I have planted in the soil from the sun, all in the name of protection. I am getting more and more patient every day. I pass through a lot every day, and by the spirit of God, I am growing in patience and love, not just for those who love me but those who hate me… don’t worry, I’ll gist you the details when we meet. I don’t want you to meet an unfinished product, so in every way possible –spiritually, financially, emotionally, mentally, and otherwise– I keep growing for God and for you.

I am a guy who likes to play, joke, and have fun… sometimes, I take it too far, and it has gotten me in trouble before. One April fool’s day, I pranked my elder sister into believing I was her ex-boyfriend. I texted her, trying to act as if I wanted to get back in a relationship with her, she almost fell for it, but in the end, I came out clean and said I was just playing around. I got the scolding of a lifetime😅. Scolding wasn’t the only thing I experienced as a kid. My Dad would always join us to watch movies, play video games, and play football (before he got a bit older). I want that relationship with my kids, too… that strong bond that is blessed by the Holy Spirit. My mom was always around also, and we helped her a lot in baking during the holidays or festive seasons.

One thing that I don’t want to repeat in our family is that the boys weren’t taught to cook early enough because girls were always around. I want our family to base everything on God and for everyone to be real about everything. Some things were more like routines in my past family, and we didn’t really understand everything at home. And if we challenged those things in confusion, it was treated as rebellion and got flogged for it many times. It hardened some of us back then, but when we began to understand why our parents made us do some things, we were softened up by God’s grace.

And I used to strongly believe that there should be weaknesses in me that could only be filled by you (a better version of myself). But now I know better. Marriage is all about whole and complete people meeting and committing to each other to fulfill God’s will. Those people may have weaknesses, but they shouldn’t depend on the other person to fix them. Instead, they should depend on God and work on themselves to make the union work. So with that said, I will, by God’s grace, come to you as a man, who is working towards perfection and meet you, a woman, working towards perfection. And we will sharpen each other as iron sharpens iron.

And with this union, our family will be one founded on Christ. Just like Joshua said, our family will serve the Lord, and our kids will be groomed in the way of the Lord from a young age like Samuel… I want to build a family with you that will call on the name of the Lord in every situation. A family that will stand out for God like Noah and His family, a family that will show the love and union of Christ to the church to the physical world in the way we will act towards each other and towards others outside. A family that will be worshippers, a family that waits on the Lord and submits to Him, a family that will give birth to generations of priests and kingdom ambassadors.

I know it could still be a while before you manifest in the physical. Still, I have no doubt or fear of whether I will make a mistake or whether I won’t find you because I have seen you in the spirit, and I know you by the Holy Spirit😊.

See you soon, my dear.


  1. Vivian

    Awwnn…he knows her by the Holy Spirit 🥺🥺. Amen brother

  2. Sheytie Grace

    The last sentence mehn🤭. Amen sir!

  3. Cootla

    I see you sir. This one has seen her in the spirit and she can’t escape.

  4. Quodjoe Lawrence

    “I pray you are kept and preserved like an egg.” this is the highlight of the letter for me

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